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Homeownership is so impossible.

Get free, personalized analysis and guidance to house hack your way to your first home.

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How much home you can afford?
Bet it's more than you think.

How much home you can afford? Bet it's more than you think.

Down payment (per person)
Co-buyers (put 0 if just you)
If you buy a multi-family home in San Francisco with 2 others and a down payment of $40,000 each:
You can afford a multi-family home up to
In 5 years, your equity in the home would grow
(It's true, your $40K would become $120K)
Your monthly cost to own would be
See how we calculated this
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Forget tradition.
Homeownership happens differently now.

Duplex /

Live in one unit.

Rent out the others.

Rental income offsets your mortgage.

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Buy a home with friends or family.

Split down payment and costs.

Share in the home appreciation.

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Buy a home in a growing market.

Rent out short or long term.

Subsidize your current rent and build equity.

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The house hacking revolution is here.

Join the tens of thousands who have house hacked their way to homeownersip.

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Here's how we get you there.

Dedicated expert at your service

Get free, personalized analysis and guidance to house hack your way to your first home.

Find a winning market you can afford

See which cities are primed for future growth using our Nestrank data science tool.

Let the numbers work for you

Analyze any listing for short term and long term rental cash flow, ROI, and growth potential with the Nestimate.

See all the things they don’t want you to know

Take advantage of little-known incentives including the Fannie Mae multi-family as well as state-level programs.

The full package – 100% free.

Nestment is perfect for first-time buyers or anyone looking for guidance in house hacking.

What you get when you join Nestment

A dedicated advisor to take you step-by-step through the homebuying process to closing. 
Personalized analysis to determine your budget.
Discover and implement the best house hacking strategy for you.
Receive curated pre-analyzed listings (through our Nestimate) that meet your goals. 
Connect directly with top agents and lenders versed in house hacking.
We make money through commissions from our partners so Nestment is always 100% free to you.
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You made it here.
We'll take you the rest of the way.

Connect with our buying planner
Align on goals
Identify market & review listings
Build your agent & lender teams
Offer & close

You've got questions.
We've got answers.

Nestment is free to use for groups! Nestment does not cover a group's legal fees or partner fees if a group uses a third party in our partner ecosystem.

Nestment acts as a referring broker and is not the main broker.

Nestment does not own the properties on the platform. These listings come from regional MLS boards.

Most co-ownership platforms let you passively purchase fractions of homes, like you would stocks. Instead of chopping up homes for random investors, we focus on facilitating real home ownership between groups of family and friends.

Let's do the impossible.

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Our team will analyze your response to see what your options are.
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Home Affordability Calculations

These calculations utilize the Fannie Mae multifamily home loan program to put a 5% down payment for a 30 year fixed mortgage at a 6.5% interest rate (rates subject to market conditions) on a triplex property.

Home Price

The total down payment available is calculated by multiplying the down payment amount by the total number of co-buyers in the group. The home price is then calculated by dividing the total down payment amount by 0.05 to simulate a 5% down payment. If the amount is greater than the max triplex loan limit of $1,033,000 then that limit amount is used. Higher loan limits do exist for quadplexes.

Equity Growth

The equity growth is calculated by dividing the pro rata projected equity value in the home in 5 years by each member’s down payment amount. The projected 5 year equity value factors in the home locality’s forecasted appreciation along with the principal contribution portion of each monthly mortgage payment. The return is significantly higher than the projected appreciation of the home because it is calculated relative to the down payment amount, which makes for a more accurate measure of return on initial investment.

Monthly Cost

The monthly cost is calculated by subtracting the monthly mortgage amount from the city's projected median rent for a 3 bed unit, and dividing by the group size. This assumes one unit is occupied by the buyer and the remainder are rented out.

For further customizations or personalization, please book a free call with a Nestment team member.

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Our team will analyze your response to see what your options are.
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schedule a call and we’d be happy to talk.
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